EPD is a new encapsulated vectorial graphic format.
The project is GPL and you can find it at

The idea is very simple and powerful:
EPD uses the standard PDF (Adobe trademark) graphic syntax.
Every line is only one command.
Every line starting with # is a comment.
The command BBox(x1,y1,x2,y2) will specify the Bounding Box.
This is a simple example

# This is only a test with the new EPD format
0.97 g
1 i
-64.1289 549.6731 m
308.6328 97.4201 l
-64.1289 625.8317 l
-64.1289 549.6731 l

It's very simple with EPD create an archive of graphical objects.
We're developing a simple application to use an EPD: epd2svg
The official W3C overview of the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format is at
If you need a SVG browser viewer we suggest you the Adobe SVG plug-in

We hope many applications will support EPD, to create EPD objects and
to include EPD objects in other formats.