NAME Routes::Tiny - Routes SYNOPSIS my $routes = Routes::Tiny->new; # Constraints $routes->add_route('/articles/:id', constraints => {id => qr/\d+/}); # Optional placeholders $routes->add_route('/archive/:year/(:month)?'); # Defaults $routes->add_route('/articles/:id', defaults => {controller => 'bar', action => 'foo'}); # Grouping (matches 'hello-bar') $routes->add_route('/(:foo)-bar'); # Globbing (matches 'photos/foo/bar/baz') $routes->add_route('/photos/*other'); # Path building $routes->add_route('/:foo/:bar', name => 'default'); $routes->build_path('default', foo => 'hello', bar => 'world'); # Matching my $match = $routes->match('/hello/world'); my $params_hashref = $match->params; # Matching with method my $match = $routes->match('/hello/world', method => 'GET'); DESCRIPTION Routes::Tiny is a lightweight routes implementation. Routes::Tiny aims to be easy to use in any web framework. FEATURES "Constraints" $routes->add_route('/articles/:id', constraints => {id => qr/\d+/}); $match = $routes->match('/articles/1'); # Routes::Tiny::Match object $match = $routes->match('/article/foo'); # undef It is possible to specify a constraint that a placeholder must match using a normal Perl regular expression. "Optional placeholders" $routes->add_route('/admin/:service(/:action)?', defaults => {action => 'list'}); my $match = $routes->match('/admin/foo'); # $m->params is {service => 'foo', action => 'list'} It is possible to specify an optional placeholder with a default value. "Grouping" $routes->add_route('/(:foo)-bar'); $match = $routes->match('/hello-bar'); # $match->params is {foo => 'hello'} It is possible to create a placeholder that doesn't occupy all the space between slashes. "Globbing" $routes->add_route('/photos/*other'); $routes->add_route('/books/*section/:title'); $routes->add_route('/*a/foo/*b'); $match = $routes->match('photos/foo/bar/baz'); # $match->params is {other => 'foo/bar/baz'} $match = $routes->match('books/some/section/last-words-a-memoir'); # $match->params is {section => 'some/section', title => 'last-words-a-memoir'} $match = $routes->match('zoo/woo/foo/bar/baz'); # $match->params is {a => 'zoo/woo', b => 'bar/baz'} It is possible to specify a globbing placeholder. "Path building" $routes->add_route('/articles/:id', name => 'article'); $path = $routes->build_path('article', id => 123); # $path is '/articles/123' It is possible to reconstruct a path from route's name and parameters. WARNINGS "Trailing slash issue" Trailing slash is important. Maybe this will be changed in the future. $routes->add_route('/articles'); # is different from $routes->add_route('/articles/'); METHODS "new" my $routes = Routes::Tiny->new; "add_route" $routes->add_route('/:service/:action'); Add a new route. "match" $routes->match('/hello/world'); Match against a path. "build_path" $pattern->build_path('name', {foo => 'bar'}); Build path from a given name and params. DEVELOPMENT Repository CREDITS Sergey Zasenko (und3f) AUTHOR Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi, "". COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011, Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.