# NAME WebApp::Helpers::JsonEncoder - Simple role for en/decoding JSON # SYNOPSIS package MyTunes::Resource::CD; use Moo; with 'WebApp::Helpers::JsonEncoder'; has title => (is => 'rw'); has artist => (is => 'rw'); has genre => (is => 'rw'); has is_touring => (is => 'rw'); sub to_json { my ($self) = @_; return $self->encode_json( { title => $self->title, artist => $self->artist, genre => $self->genre, is_touring => $self->json_bool( $self->is_touring ), } ); } sub from_json { my ($self, $request) = @_; my $data = $self->decode_json($request); for my $field (qw(title artist genre is_touring)) { $self->$field( $data->{ $field } ); } return; } # DESCRIPTION [WebApp::Helpers::JsonEncoder](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebApp::Helpers::JsonEncoder) is simple role that adds JSON-handling methods to the consuming object. It's dead simple, but since I've copied-and-pasted this about a thousand times, it's time for it to go to CPAN! This role holds a JSON encoder/decoder object. utf8 support is turned on by default. # METHODS ## encode\_json( $perl\_struct ) Produces the JSON representation of `$perl_struct`. ## decode\_json( $json\_string ) Turns a valid JSON string into a perl data structure. ## json\_bool( $value ) Returns the truthiness of `$value` as a JSON boolean. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Fitz Elliott. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR frew: Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt <frioux+cpan@gmail.com> # CONTRIBUTORS felliott: Fitz Elliott <felliott@fiskur.org>