
This module tries to markup text files according to their syntax.  It can
be used to produce web pages with pretty-printed colourful source code
samples.  It can produce output in the following formats:

The module comes with a command line program, text-vimcolor, which makes
it easy to do 'ad-hoc' syntax coloring jobs.

   Geoff Richards <qef@laxan.com>

Release procedure

 * Update the version number in lib/Text/VimColor.pm and META.yml
 * Update the changelog with a new section for a matching version number
   and the correct date and time
 * Copy the ChangeLog into place (from 'debian' directory in my CVS)
 * Realclean, make and test
 * Make the dist, take it to another machine and build and test there
 * Commit everything, and set tag like 'Release_0_07-1'
 * Upload to CPAN