# NAME JSON::MergePatch - JSON Merge Patch implementation # SYNOPSIS use JSON::MergePatch; use Test::More; my $target_json = '{"a":"b"}'; my $patch = +{ 'a' => 'c' }; my $result_json = json_merge_patch($target_json, $patch); my $diff = json_merge_diff($result_json, $target_json); is $result_json, '{"a":"c"}'; is_deeply $diff, $patch; done_testing; # DESCRIPTION JSON::MergePatch is JSON Merge Patch implementation for Perl. # METHODS ## patch($target: Scalar, $patch: HashRef) :Scalar This method merges patch into the target JSON. my $result_json = JSON::MergePatch->patch('{"a":"b"}', { 'a' => 'c' }); # $result_json = '{"a":"c"}'; ## diff($source :Scalar, $target :Scalar) :HashRef This method outputs diff between JSON. my $diff = JSON::MergePatch->diff('{"a":"c"}', '{"a":"b"}'); # $diff = { 'a' => 'c' }; # FUNCTIONS ## json\_merge\_patch($target: Scalar, $patch: HashRef) :Scalar Same as `patch()` method. ## json\_merge\_diff($source :Scalar, $target :Scalar) :HashRef Same as `diff()` method. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Taishi Hiraga. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Taishi Hiraga <sojiro@cpan.org>