# NAME Amon2::Lite - Sinatra-ish framework on Amon2! # SYNOPSIS use Amon2::Lite; get '/' => sub { my ($c) = @_; return $c->render('index.tt'); }; __PACKAGE__->to_app(); __DATA__ @@ index.tt <!doctype html> <html> <body>Hello</body> </html> # DESCRIPTION This is a Sinatra-ish wrapper for Amon2. __THIS MODULE IS BETA STATE. API MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE__. # FUNCTIONS - `any(\@methods, $path, \&code)` - `any($path, \&code)` Register new route for router. - `get($path, $code->($c))` Register new route for router. - `post($path, $code->($c))` Register new route for router. - `__PACKAGE__->load_plugin($name, \%opts)` Load a plugin to the context object. - \[EXPERIMENTAL\] `__PACKAGE__->enable_session(%args)` This method enables [Plack::Middleware::Session](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Middleware::Session). `%args` would be pass to enabled to `Plack::Middleware::Session->new`. The default state class is [Plack::Session::State::Cookie](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Session::State::Cookie), and store class is [Plack::Session::Store::File](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Session::Store::File). This option enables a response filter, that adds ` Cache-Control: private ` header. - \[EXPERIMENTAL\] `__PACKAGE__->enable_middleware($klass, %args)` __PACKAGE__->enable_middleware('Plack::Middleware::XFramework', framework => 'Amon2::Lite'); Enable the Plack middlewares. - `__PACKAGE__->to_app(%args)` Create new PSGI application instance. There is a options. - `no_x_content_type_options : default false` __PACKAGE__->to_app(no_x_content_type_options => 1); Amon2::Lite puts `X-Content-Type-Options` header by default for security reason. You can disable this feature by this option. - `no_x_frame_options` __PACKAGE__->to_app(no_x_frame_options => 1); Amon2::Lite puts `X-Frame-Options: DENY` header by default for security reason. You can disable this feature by this option. # FAQ - How can I configure the options for Xslate? You can provide a constructor arguments by configuration. Write following lines on your app.psgi. __PACKAGE__->template_options( syntax => 'Kolon', ); - How can I use other template engines instead of Text::Xslate? You can use any template engine with Amon2::Lite. You can overwrite create\_view method same as normal Amon2. This is a example to use [Text::MicroTemplate::File](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::MicroTemplate::File). use Tiffany::Text::MicroTemplate::File; sub create_view { Tiffany::Text::MicroTemplate::File->new(+{ include_path => ['./tmpl/'] }) } - How can I handle static files? If you pass the 'handle\_static' option to 'to\_app' method, Amon2::Lite handles /static/ path to ./static/ directory. use Amon2::Lite; __PACKAGE__->to_app(handle_static => 1); - Where is a example codes? There is a tiny TinyURL example: [https://github.com/tokuhirom/MyTinyURL/blob/master/app.psgi](https://github.com/tokuhirom/MyTinyURL/blob/master/app.psgi). - How can I use session? You can enable session by `__PACKAGE__->enable_session()`. And you can access the session object by `$c->session` accessor. use Amon2::Lite; get '/' => sub { my $c = shift; my $cnt = $c->session->get('cnt') || 1; $c->session->set('cnt' => $cnt+1); return $c->create_response(200, [], [$cnt]); }; __PACKAGE__->enable_session(); # __PACKAGE__->to_app(); # AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COM> # SEE ALSO # LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.