SWF::Builder - creates FLASH(R) movie (SWF) files. This package contains: SWF::Builder - Main module. SWF::Builder::ActionScript - SWF ActionScript object. SWF::Builder::ActionScript::Compiler - SWF ActionScript compiler. SWF::Character - SWF character, frame, and display instance. SWF::Builder::Character::Bitmap - SWF Bitmap object. SWF::Builder::Bitmap::Lossless::* - Drivers for SWF Bitmap object. SWF::Builder::Character::Font - SWF font object. SWF::Builder::Character::Font::TTF - Font manager using Font::TTF. SWF::Builder::Character::Font::FreeType - Font manager using Font::FreeType. SWF::Builder::Character::MovieClip - SWF movie clip object. SWF::Builder::Character::Shape - SWF shape object. SWF::Builder::Character::Text - SWF static text object. SWF::Builder::Gradient - SWF gradient object. SWF::Builder::Shape - Drawing extention of shapes. SWF::Builder::ExElement See each POD for further information. PREREQUISITES perl 5.8 or higher SWF::File 0.27 or higher Either Font::TTF or Font::FreeType is necessary to use fonts and texts. Font::TTF supports only TTF, but is written in pure perl. Font::FreeType supports TTF, OTF, and PostScript fonts, but requires FreeType library and C compiler. Math::Bezier::Convert is necessary to draw cubic bezier curves. INSTALLATION You install SWF modules by the usual method: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SCRIPTS Following scripts and SWF movie are included in this archive. asc.plx - ActionScript compiler frontend. mctest.plx - Sample script. tracewindow.plx - Debug window movie. It displays results of trace actions compiled with "Trace=>'lcwin'". masktest.plx - Sample script of mask. flowmes.plx - Creates flow-in-message movie. It is necessary to change font path for other than Windows. fields.plx - Sample of text fields. htmltest.plx - Sample of HTML texts. It is necessary to change font for other than Windows. exportasset.plx & importasset.plx - Sample of export and import assets. arctest.plx - Sample script for elliptic arc. See POD. tiger.plx - Sample script of 'path' drawing a famous tiger converted from SVG. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000-2003, Yasuhiro Sasama (ySas), <ysas@nmt.ne.jp> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.