RPC::Any - A simple, unified interface to XML-RPC and JSON-RPC.

    RPC::Any is a simple, unified interface to multiple RPC protocols. Right
    now it supports <XML-RPC> and all three versions of <JSON-RPC> (1.0,
    1.1, and 2.0).

    The goal of RPC::Any is to be simple to use, and to be highly
    extendable. RPC::Any is designed to work properly in taint mode, and
    fully supports Unicode. It was written for real-world use in a major
    production application.

    If you're planning to use RPC::Any, you probably want to see
    RPC::Any::Server. In the future, there will also be an


    *   "RPC::Any::Client"

    Right now, the best way to get support for "RPC::Any" is to email the
    author using the email address in the "AUTHOR" section below.

    RPC::Any is relatively new, but it has very extensive tests and is being
    heavily used in a <major production application>. However, there could
    still be bugs lurking in its code.

    You can report a bug by emailing "" or by using
    the RT web interface at

    Max Kanat-Alexander <>

    Copyright (C) 2010 Everything Solved, Inc.

    This library (the entirety of RPC-Any) is free software; you can
    redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License
    2.0. For details, see the full text of the license at

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it
    is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties. For
    details, see the full text of the license at